GE food ,which is genetically modified food, should be promoted?
Today , i have read an article about genetically modified food entitled that is it ok for us to tamper with genes?
It is no doubt in my mind that we , human, have no right to do any  harm to our environment .
There are some people thinking otherwise . They claimed that genetically modified food can actually contribute to our society such as providing more food and declining the food price. Genetically modified food which are added other genes will be able to resist insect assault.
However, it is sensible to believe that genetically modified food will bring more harm than good. Although genetically modified food can define the insect attack , insect will have evolution so as to survive. At the end, insect will become more aggressive and not only target plant , but also other animals even humans. Therefore, our society will be threaten. 
We should not make any rash change to our environment system before think thought the widen implication, unless the damage will be inevitable.

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